ESG Tech for Smart Cities

ESG Matters stands as a leading sustainable business transformation consultancy, uniquely positioned not just to advise but also to deliver effective solutions in sustainable business practices.

We actively engage in the implementation of strategies and solutions that align economic success with environmental stewardship.

Embracedby our tagline “Transforming Tomorrow:
Where Sustainability Meets Success,” we are committed to integrating sustainability into the core of business operations.

Our mission extends from embedding sustainability within business strategies to actualizing these strategies with practical bespoke solutions.​

By combining technology, creativity, and assurance, we ensure our recommendations are not just innovative concepts but are transformed into effective, real-world applications.

Case Study: TreeMIS is a technology developed to allow better management of trees in the city.   Examples of application include: 

Tree Health and Risk EvaluationDANTE Tree, an award-winning platform, acts as a central hub for conducting tree health and risk evaluation for over 3,000 trees during the construction of a major railway link. This web based application is loaded with built-in local arboriculture knowledge and provides visualisation interfaces for ease of use and reference by the project team. As revealed by the client, “since the implementation of the system, the survival rate of the trees (both transplanted and retained) has been maintained well above 90% with no incidents or accidents related to tree health.”

Digital Tree Register has been set up to promote community involvement in tree risk management to better protect public safety. Information is disseminated on a geo-referenced map with search functions and statistical summary, according to the following categories of trees:

  • Important trees that are subject to regular monitoring including Old and Valuable Trees (OVT) and Stone Wall Trees (SWT)
  • Tree infested by Brown Root Rot Disease (BRRD) that require necessary treatment and monitoring
  • Problematic trees as identified in the annual Tree Risk Assessment that require continuous monitoring

This comprehensive approach meets the evolving needs of today’s market, ensuring tangible results and sustainable success.

Our Unique Approach

At ESG Matters, we pride ourselves on our unique blend of systems thinking and design thinking. As a Future-Fit Accredited Advisor, we leverage our systems thinking approach to holistically address business and sustainability challenges. We delve into the complex interconnections and dynamics within business ecosystems, enabling us to develop comprehensive solutions that effectively target the core aspects of sustainability issues.

Our expertise in design thinking complements our systemic approach. This user-centred methodology is about empathising with clients, creatively defining problems, and developing innovative solutions. It ensures that our solutions are not only theoretically sound but also practical and adaptable to real-world scenarios.


Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership.

As part of the collective global sustainable development effort, we have selected four SDGs that best reflect our beliefs and core values at ESG Matters.

Leveraging modern data science and intelligent sensing technologies, we aim to create a safe and healthy environment for all by mitigating the associated environmental risks. 

Through our Matters Academy, we share the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, aiming to raise the next generation of global environmental stewards.

Our platform of innovative and workable solutions contributes to building a resilient and low-carbon economy by tackling some of today’s most pressing ESG challenges.

We work diligently with different stakeholders to create long-term value for sustainable development, through collaborative sharing of knowledge and resources.

Interested in our services?

Find out how ESG Matters can improve your ESG performance with tools and data insights!